CPNI stands for Customer Proprietary Network Information, and it relates to any company that provides voice services. Telecommunications companies must certify that their staff members have completed CPNI training by March 1 each year. If you’re a voice services provider, you might ask, “How can we ensure our employees are CPNI certified?”

At Leverage Broadband Strategies, we’ve got you covered. We can schedule a customized webinar specific to you and your company.

What Is CPNI Training?

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) requires telecom providers’ employees to understand what is permissible during in-person or telephone conversations. Customers are increasingly aware of their privacy rights, which means telcos need to be increasingly observant of the regulations surrounding these rights. Failure to comply with the FCC’s CPNI requirements could also result in disciplinary action, fines, and severe penalties.

At Leverage, we’ve made it easy for you to maintain FCC compliance while keeping your staff up to date with everything they need to do to secure your customers’ privacy. Through our virtual CPNI training program, your team will be exposed to essential elements, such as:

  • What CPNI means
  • How the Telecommunications Act of 1996 affects customer privacy
  • Which FCC rules apply to telecom employees
  • What telecommunications service categories (TSCs) mean
  • How CPNI is allowed to be used
  • How to get customer approval (opt-in and opt-out)
  • How to properly obtain informed consent
  • What to do if you encounter a security breach
  • How to enforce CPNI regulations

What’s the Purpose of CPNI?

Besides being required by the FCC, CPNI training has two main purposes:

  • To protect customer privacy
  • To promote competition among telecom carriers

When your staff understands CPNI and why it’s important to the industry’s grand scheme, they’ll be more equipped to protect your customers’ privacy while simultaneously providing outstanding customer service.

If you’re looking for a virtual CPNI training program to offer to your staff members, Leverage Broadband Strategies has the solution. We will also send you a recording of the presentation so you can ensure that any new hires are in compliance. If you’re interested in CPNI training, contact Jeff Allinder for details.