Don’t Let Scary Circuit Agreements Haunt Your Budget!

By: Kody Pinson | Read Time: 2 mins, 15 secs. This blog explores: Renegotiating your IP transit and transport circuits Examples of some recent successes for Leverage clients Partnering with experienced consultants to unlock real savings What’s happening: In today’s fast-paced industry, Internet operators [...]

Best Practices for Retaining Broadband Customers

By: Jeff Allinder | Read Time: 2 mins, 10 secs. This blog explores: Learn what it takes to keep customers happy amid inflation. What are the best practices for retaining broadband customers? Keys to a successful retention program. Retention is not always the most [...]

Leverage Welcomes Back Maglothin as President, Positions for Growth

Doug Maglothin, LBS President   St. Louis, MO, September 19, 2024 — Telecommunications consulting firm, Leverage Broadband Strategies, welcomes partner Doug Maglothin back as President of its Strategic Growth Services division. Since February 2020, Maglothin served as both a consultant to and as CEO of Diamond State Networks in [...]

What voice providers must know about CPNI

What exactly is CPNI? The protection of sensitive personal information that carriers collect about their customers' calling information during the course of their business relationship. A telecom carrier obtains this information by providing voice service to subscribers. Consumers' bill details contain a lot of this information. Who does this impact? Voice [...]

4 Costly Myths About Retransmission Consent Negotiations

Later this year, our industry will begin to re-negotiate retransmission consent agreements with broadcast stations for those following the traditional 3-year cycle. The 2023 “retrans” cycle is sure to present many of the challenges of the past. Year-end is the most wonderful time of the year – unless you are negotiating [...]

A Market Opportunity Assessment – Understanding Your Unknowns

There are known knowns; there are things we know we know.   We also know there are known unknowns;   That is to say we know there are some things we do not know.   But there are also unknown unknowns.   The ones we don’t know we don’t know.  -Donald Rumsfeld, former Secretary of [...]

Leverage offers CPNI training for clients

CPNI stands for Customer Proprietary Network Information, and it relates to any company that provides voice services. Telecommunications companies must certify that their staff members have completed CPNI training by March 1 each year. If you’re a voice services provider, you might ask, “How can we ensure our employees are CPNI [...]

5 Ways to Prepare for Broadband Expansion

The internet has become a utility as vital to daily life as water and electricity; yet, over 14 million people in the United States lack access to reliable broadband service. As RDOF awards and infrastructure planning shine a spotlight on high-speed internet expansion in the United States, electric co-operatives and broadband [...]

Go From Good to Great in 2022

The broadband and telecommunications industry is continuously changing, so your business model must also adapt – more of the same will not get the job done, nor will it keep your customers happy. The experts at Leverage Broadband Strategies understand what it takes to improve your day-to-day operations as well as [...]

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